Your Walk Talks Blog Tour - stop #6

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You have just completed the Your Walk Talks Blog Tour! We trust you have visited each stop on the tour and learned more about our new Cd through the Q&A time we had with Brian, Lynn, Aaron and Diana. We appreciate them so much! If you missed one of the stops you can easily click one of the links below to catch up - you wouldn't want to miss any of these posts!
Southern Gospel Critique - Brian’s Q&A with Mark Trammell
Lynn’s Chronicles - Lynn’s Q&A with Nick Trammell
Swain’s Musings - Aaron’s Q&A with Pat Barker
Music Scribe - Diana’s Q&A with Dustin Black
As you read each blog, you may have noticed that each blogger shared a few highlights from our ministry that meant a lot to them and then a song or two from the new CD that blessed them. Now it’s your turn! To anyone who comments on this post, they will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a free signed copy of Your Walk Talks! You can share what their favorite MTQ song is and/or a special story relating to MTQ, or if you're new to MTQ's ministry, feel free to tell us how you heard about the blog tour. (The comment is what qualifies entries, not the content.) The drawing will close January 28th - so be sure to enter before then!
Valued at $15.
The odds of winning vary depending on entries.
No purchase necessary!
1. Participants must 18 years of age to enter.
2. Only open to US citizens with a US address.
3. Only one entry per household.
The Mark Trammell Quartet is NOT responsible for lost mail/e-mail, printing or posting typographical errors or technical failures.
I first met Mark Trammel when they came and did a tour in MI as the Mark Trammel Trio w/ Eric Philips and Joseph Smith. I immediately fell in love with these guys! I love the fact that Mark's groups have always remembered why they are doing what they are doing and who gave them the ability to do it. One of my favorite songs the group sang goes back a few years, but I still love "From A Star To Stripes". I also love the way they did "Calvary Medley" from their CD project titled "Testimony". I absolutely love these guys! They are the real deal! They love the LORD and want to see people's lives changed through the messages in their songs. GOD BLESS YOU MTQ!!
MY Favorite MTQ Song has got to be "I Want to Know". Pat does such a great job on his features.
Although it's not an original, I've probably listened the most to "Wonderful Time Up There". Also, from the Trio days, Called In, Called Up, Called Out has been a song I've enjoyed.
Love the CD! Love you guys! May God's grace and direction go before you every step of your ministry!
My favorite MTQ moment was the first concert when Eric Phillips rejoined the group. He sang Glory Road and it was awesome! But every time I see MTQ in concert they are the most talented down to earth men I have ever met, and I always have a great time! This CD is great, 10/10 for me, and my favorite song on the CD is When The King Comes To Claim His Throne (God's Been Faithful is 1B)
You know computers are wonderful pieces of art (albeit sometimes not so!) I met Mark about 3 years ago, where I also met The Cathedrals with Mark and Danny and Gerald.
I also met Bill Gaither and Friends, and many more people I have come to love over time. But the videos were older, that was then and now I see how God has really worked in Mark's life and his Ministry, something he was struggling with (3 years ago :-) )with the cathedrals.
I remember he said how he felt he was surrounded by Godly people like George and Glen and Gerald, and how like I was, he had a big dose of Religion, but did not have Salvation.
I Praise God, like Mark, for that giant dose of Salvation, that brings us closer in our walk with and for God. I miss seeing Mark with his guitar, but his voice has risen to the heavens.
I do not believe I could pick out a song singular that really hits with me, but one that I have always loved is one from the Cathedral's -Crimson River, because without the Blood of Christ we could not have that blessed hope of tomorrow.
God Bless you Mark and each member of the Quartet for the music, the harmony, and most of all for the uplifting belief of Christ our Saviour, and God our Heavenly Father.
I first saw MTQ two summers ago, and it made me really excited to get the Lifetime cd when it came out. Every song on that project is beautiful, but my favorite is probably Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah. You guys have some of the best harmonies of any quartet on the road today. I can't wait to hear this latest recording!
The MTQ is as good as it gets, and Mark Trammell is my personal hero in the industry. I can't wait to hear this new release. Every review that I read insures that this will be a classic. My favorite songs to hear the MTQ sing are: The King Is Coming, Wedding Music, I Want To Know, Thanks to Calvary...ok, so I can't pick just one or two! God Bless the ministry of the MTQ!!
I know this will be a great CD! Anything Mark does is great IMHO! Haven't had a chance to listen yet as I just received my pre-order but am anxious to hear all the songs.
Greatest Gospel Quartet ever spreading the Good News of Jesus. God bless you.
I love listening to the Mark Trammell Quartet. I have Lifetime, Mark Trammell Quartet Live in Louisville, along with a Christmas CD. I also got to hear Mark preach last year at NQC and what a blessing that was. I will be seeing MTQ on February 23 and hope to purchase Your Walk Talks at that time. Thanks for the ministry you all do and I hope you continue it for many years to come.
I am from New Jersey, where Southern Gospel music is not commonly found. I have travelled long distances to see good gospel music, and have had the opportunity to see MTQ several times at NQC. It is always a joy to see them, and to hear them minister the word of God thru song. I pray properity and protection over the ministry, and look forward to my next opportunity to see MTQ.
I'm a big MTQ fan living in Florida. I've been a legal resident in the US for nearly 20 years. But I guess since I'm not an American citizen, I'm not eligible to participate. That's disappointing.
Please consider this my entry in the CD contest. I've seen the MTQ twice, once in Mt. Greenwood, Il and the other time at the Plymouth, IN Blueberry Festival. What a great quartet and group of fine Christian gentlemen.
I have only had the privilege of seeing MTQ once or twice but enjoyed them. I look forward to the new CD.
I love MTQ! It's very hard to say which of the songs would be my favorite. I especially love the fact that MTQ sings songs with meaningful, life changing lyrics....not just candy. Looking forward to getting the new CD!
What a great ministry you guys have!:) I have liked you all for sometime now. I would love to have your CD!:) I love gospel music!!!:):)
I love traditional southern gospel quartet music! MTQ is one of the finest!God bless you guys and your ministry!I'm looking forward to hearing the new CD
What a great opportunity to learn about the guys. I love the music of MTQ, and these men show such class.... the music reflects their true love for the Lord. Looking forward to everything you all do as I see it is truly for the Lord.
My favorite MTQ moment was getting to meet Mark Trammell for the first time about 4 years ago. I became a Christian as a result of Mark's ministry with the Cathedrals; listening to a Cats cd about 1:00 in the morning, the words of The Lamb Has Prevailed and He Saw What I Could Be really hit home for me. Needless to say, finally being able to actually meet Mark was definitely a dream come true!
When growing up and learning to love Gospel by listening to all of my fathers cds and the Gold City albums with Mark Trammell. When he formed the Mark Trammell trio I knew wanted some. I was even more excited when you guys formed the Mark Trammell Quartet. Trios can be great, but Quartets are special to my Heart.
My Favorite moment with MTQ would have to be one of the times when you were in Concert with Greater Vision and combined together to sing some old Cathedral songs and such. When just MTQ itself sang Wonderful Time up there was nearly as exciting itself. That is one of my favorite all time songs from when I was young, and to see it live simply was blessing.
Thank you guys for what you do, I know God uses your work, and I know some of your songs have comforted me in a time pain and need. May your ministry continue to touch lives and spread God's message.
We met you last fall, and our whole family loved the music and the on-stage humor.
Hmm... favorite MTQ memory... gotta be meeting Pat Barker last fall! Despite the "Roll Tide", he was as awesome and fantastic as everyone had always told me!
I first saw the Mark Trammell Quartet in person at the Mark Trammell Homecoming event in Anniston, AL, in August of 2011. I travelled there to hear their Saturday night special guests, the Booth Brothers, but I drove home the following day with the memories of a very special evening that God used to point my life in a completely different direction. I now have a number of MTQ CDs in my collection, but I must say that my favorite thus far is their Cathedrals tribute recording, Treasures. They took some of the very best southern gospel classics, brought those inimitable MTQ vocals into play, and produced a recording that will continue to introduce those wonderful songs to a new and appreciative audience for a long time to come. What a joy to hear Boundless Love, Wedding Music, Echoes From The Burning Bush and others sung once again as they were intended to be sung!
Dear Graham Family,
As a US resident with a US mailing address you are eligible to win the give a way. Best of luck!
(Give-a-way guidelines do not afford international shipping.)
I have listened to the new music. I think my two favorites are, "When the King comes to claim his throne" and " God's been faithful". I will be seeing you this weekend, hoping to hear some of these newer songs and of course the Cathedrals music. I love the sense of humor when all the former members of the Cathedrals are together!
And the winner is...Melissa V.! Congratulations, Melissa you have won a free signed copy of Your Walk Talks. Please send an email to: with the subject line: MTQ blog tour winner. In the email, please provide your mailing address so we can get your CD to you. Blessings!
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